Tuesday, February 6, 2007

in a semi-paralyzing stroke

of misfortune, we are still in norman. the transmission in my car started slipping promptly after the radiator was installed, and we are now currently locked in a three-way debate of our potential options. (options are stated as follows).
one) rebuilt transmission for 550. we can do the work ourselves (with marshall's fabulous uncle who saves us from the car afterlife). pro(s): car and going. con(s): we seem to be cursed. at least a little.
two) hitching. we've picked 'em up, and our friends have been them. pro(s): no more worrying about the car, increased adventure. con(s): not getting where we want to be all the time, no bikes, increased stress. additional circumstances involve the fact that my mom will probably track us down to kill us, just to prove that maniacs exist. i say this due to a very heated argument today today over the 'free floating' road trip plan and my car situation, during which she told me to get a job and that i was stupid for trying to be a gypsy (paraphrase, and obviously lacking some context).
also, that whole amount of time gets a big fat boo in my book.
three) marshall is currently asking his mom if we can borrow a car. this is almost like asking God to admit that he doesn't exist. pro(s): sweet ride for the trip. con(s): worrying about the car all of the time. underline all.

so, today was crappy, but it will work out. at least the weather was nice. and we did a successful radiator fix, no matter what else might have happened.

safe travels to you (and hopefully to us, also).

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