Tuesday, April 10, 2007

hopping and skipping

Holy Toledo!!!!!!

We've been trying to ascribe to ideas of westward expansion since D.C., but have had a tough time of it due to the weather. Boo, cold fronts and snowstorms (mainly, boo for you showing up in April).

Our first jaunt was through the rolling quiet parts of Pennsylvania. It was incredible. The mountains were actually purple at dusk, when we passed through them and into Ohio. We felt a little inspired to sing about them, but couldn't quite remember the words to America the Beautiful that didn't deal with mountains. That's how magnificent they were.

Then, we drove through Ohio to Lake Erie, listening to Mount Eerie. We took a rest at a park that jutted into the water. There was a penninsula completely covered with roller coasters there. We neither rolled, nor coasted, but we did stare across the lake at them for a while.

We also saw a for real life nuclear power plant in Ohio. We talked a lot about dilapidated buildings organically returning to the earth. This is the evil that is invading and employing North Ohions:

I don't actually know what to call people from Ohio.

Our friend Tyler lives in Kalamazoo, so we met him there for some hard hanging. We rode our bikes for an hour, then it began to rain, which continued until it turned into this:

The storm would have been less of a nuisance if we hadn't been lulled into having faith that spring had actually arrived. Winter needs to learn its place. (I actually saw on article on weather.com entitled "Winter Assaults Spring!" hahaha!)

From Kalamazoo, we headed to Chicago. It was still cold. Another friend, Carolina, let us stay with her and weather out the weather. We were in pseudo-hibernation, and managed for our only Chicago related adventure to be riding the Metra for around an hour. Then we made breakfast on Saturday. Carolina fried plaintains. I am excited about frying plaintains in the future. You should begin to prepare yourself for the excitement of eating them.

Ryan called while we were in Chicago, and we had the opportunity to meet him in Indianapolis. Ryan, Alyssa, Marshall, and I all went to an elk farm. This is an elk. He is king of the forest, and his horns are fuzzy.

An elk and I touched noses while we were there. It's nose was wet and cold. My nose was, too.

We're currently in Columbia, Mo, being sleepy and hungry. We have potato salad in the car that we should (and probably will) eat. People are lovely and kind to us, especially when we start asking for a little kindness. Sometimes, they even give us free coffee.

Love love love and safe travels,

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